A Night In Palermo
This CD offers 19 improvisations in a variety of duos and trios
built from the following ensemble:
Gianni Gebbia - alto saxophone
Lelio Giannetto - bass
Tom Nunn - the bug
Miriam Palma - voice
Garth Powell - percussion, saw, waterphone
Gino Robair - styrofoam, cymbal, bike horn, toy reed
Damon Smith - bass
The tracks include Dossier, Earl Ghetto, Nina In Dogma, Hilt o Vento,
Gabbio, Tngnt, Olga Hitler (the gorilla), Mortal Plan, Godmania Inn,
Assai Bout, Squeeze, Renatzu Riga, Goo Line, Aryl, Bangui Eng, Gauge,
Mirgarjanni, The Mint Geisha Investigates a Moth, and Zing Aria.
Recorded by Natale Lopes at Miao Studio, December 11, 1998 in
Palermo, Italy following the Dreamin' California Festival.
Mastered by Myles Boisen/Headless Buddha Labs.
CD design and layout by Steve Norton/Red Notebook.